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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-02-29  浏览次数:208   状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-14 至 2025-03-14
中国进出口商品交易会,又称“广交会”,创办于1957年,每年4月、10月在广州举办,迄今已成功举办了102届。广交会以其84万平方米的展览总面积、超过15000家代表本行业先进水平、产品优良、资信良好的参展商、以及近20万名来自210多个国家和地区的到会客商而被誉为“中国第一展”。2006年10月15日,在第100届广交会开幕式暨庆祝大会上,温家宝总理宣布:“为了更好地适应对外开放的新形势,扩大进口,增加出口,推动进出口贸易的协调平衡发展,中国政府决定:从第101届开始,广交会更名为中国进出口商品交易会。” 广交会兼具出口贸易及进口贸易两大功能,是海外客商对华贸易的最佳平台。























  电话: 0086-20-26089999

  传真: 0086-20-83335880

  邮箱: info@cantonfair.org.cn

  网站: www.cantonfair.org.cn www.cftc.org.cn

  General Introduction to the 103rd Session of China Import and Export Fair

(February, 2008)

China Import and Export Fair, also renowned as the Canton Fair, has been held successfully without any suspensions for 102 sessions in Guangzhou every spring and autumn since its inauguration in 1957. The Canton Fair, a comprehensive exhibition, has won its reputation of “China’s No.1 Fair” for its exhibition space of 840,000 m2, over 15,000 credible exhibitors representing the advanced level of their own industries, and the fair attracts nearly 200,000 buyers from more than 210 countries and regions. on October 15, 2006, at the Opening and Celebration Ceremony of the 100th session of the Canton Fair, Mr. Wen Jiabao, the Premier of the State Council of People’s Republic of China, announced on behalf of the Chinese Government that: “In order to better adapt to the new circumstances of opening up, expand import, increase export and promote the harmonious and balanced development of import and export trade, Chinese government decide to change the name of Chinese Export Commodities Fair into China Import and Export Fair starting from its 101st session”. Boasting export and import functions, the Canton Fair becomes the best platform for international business people to trade with China.

The 103rd session of the Canton Fair will be held simultaneously in both Pazhou Complex and Liuhua Complex of China Import and Export Fair (herein after referred as “Pazhou Complex” and “Liuhua Complex”) in Guangzhou, China from April 15 to 30, 2007. The schedule will be from April 15 to 20 for Phase I, from April 25 to 30 for Phase II and with an interval from April 21 to 24. At present, all preparation for the 103rd session of the Canton Fair has been going on smoothly, relevant information is as follows:

1. National Pavilion

With the completion of the Area B, the Pazhou Complex is expected to double its space this session. The exhibition space of the National Pavilion of this session is about 825,000 m2 with about 41,000 stands, about 10,000 more than that of the 102nd session. More than 150,000 credible exhibitors will participate in the fair. Buyers get the chance to meet more competitive enterprises with sound credibility. The exhibits will be classified into 5 categories and 34 specialized exhibition sections, including Industrial Products, Medicines & Health Care, Textiles & Garments, Consumer Goods and Gifts. They will be displayed during the first and the second phase respectively. Medicines & Health care will be arranged into the Industrial Products section in Pazhou Complex, please pay more attention.

Phase I starts from April 15 to 20. 11 sections of Industrial Products will be shown in Pazhou Complex, and 7 sections of Textiles & Garments will be shown in Liuhua Complex.

Phase II starts from April 25 to 30. 11 sections of Consumer Goods will be shown in Pazhou Complex, and 5 sections of Gifts will be shown in Liuhua Complex.

2. International Pavilion

In the spring of 2007, the Canton Fair set up its International Pavilion for the first time and achieved a great success. The Canton Fair has transformed from a unilateral platform for promoting China’s export to a bilateral platform for promoting balanced import and export. Governments of different countries and regions, industrial and commercial organizations, and enterprises have paid great attention and participated actively.

International Pavilion of the 103rd Canton Fair will be located in Pazhou Complex from April 15 to 20. It covers a gross exhibition area of 15,000 m2 and will adopt an exhibition mode that features both industry specialization and national/regional exhibition sections. Exhibits in the International Pavilion will be shown according to classification in 9 sub-sections, including (1) Consumer Goods; (2) Decorations and Gifts; (3) Foodstuffs and Agricultural Products; (4) Machinery and Equipment; (5) Small Vehicles and Spare Parts; (6) Electronics, IT Products, and Household Electrical Appliances; (7) Hardware and Tools; (8) Building Materials, Kitchen and Sanitary Equipment; (9) Raw Materials.

Stands can be rented in the form of raw space or standard stand. RMB 3,000 / m2 for raw space and RMB 30,000 for standard stand (9 m2 with standard facilities).

The Canton Fair offers 25% discount or free stands to overseas exhibitors in order to support them to participate. The preferential conditions are as follows:
(1) Exhibitors from the Least Developed Countries listed by the United Nations will be offered free stands.
(2) Exhibitors from countries and regions other than Least Developed Countries listed by the United Nations enjoy a 25% off, i.e., raw space of the International Pavilion is RMB 2,250 / m2, and a single standard stand (9 m2 with standard facilities) is RMB 22,500.

The exhibitor recruitment of the International Pavilion of the 103rd session of the Canton Fair adopts the international market-oriented practice, both entrusting agents and accepting direct application. Therefore, enterprises can apply directly to CFTC, or apply via agents entrusted by the CFTC for participation. By January 8, China Foreign Trade Centre has signed “Agency Agreement for the International Pavilion of the 103rd Session of China Import and Export Fair” with 16 organizations from 14 countries and regions.

3. Multinationals Sourcing Service
Multinationals Sourcing Service (MSS) of the Canton Fair has been successfully held for 10 sessions since its inauguration at the 93rd Session of the Fair. Through the MSS, the Canton Fair has provided 21 distinguished multinationals sourcing enterprises with customized fixed procurement service, and also maintained close relationship with more than 50 enterprises in the list of global top 250 retailers. The MSS has become the Fair’s major means of marketing service to the important sourcing enterprises, in which we dig into the procurement market of different countries, have a better understanding of the procurement demands of target enterprise, provide customized high-quality service, enhance the attractiveness of the Fair to its important sourcing enterprises as well as establish friendly cooperative relationship with them.

Multinationals Sourcing Service (MSS) will continue to provide tailored sourcing service to those international sourcing giants in the 103rd Canton Fair. We have sent invitations to important global retailers from global top 250 retailers. Multinational Retailers from France, United States, Korea, Japan, Denmark, Mexico, etc, will join the MSS in this session.

4. Cooperative Partners
As the country’s key window to international trade, the Canton Fair functions as a platform for trade and information between exhibitors and buyers, which helps to enhance communications and cooperation among enterprises home and abroad, and promote economic and trade development between China and other places in the world.

Since March 2004 we have been committing ourselves to developing partnership cooperation. Today we have signed cooperative agreements or M.O.U. with 42 influential overseas chambers of commerce and business organizations, initiating substantial cooperation and bringing promised further communication on aspects such as brand promotion, visit exchanges, exhibitions, business travel and consultation. We welcome world wide influential chambers of commerce (associations) with good reputation to join our cooperative partnership. (For details, please visit the Partnership Cooperation section on www.cantonfair.org.cn.)

5. Intensify the Efforts in IPR Protection
The Canton Fair has always attached great importance to the IPR protection. In the 85th session in 1999, it set up the Complaint Reception Office of IPR Protection to handle complaints concerning IPR infringement. A set of complete IPR protection system, applicable to the actual situations of exhibition industry, is set up after years of practice. In this system, special organization with experts in various fields is initiated, complete regulations of receiving complaints and settlement procedures are formulated, and responsibility system of labor division featuring clear duties and responsibilities is established. Starting from the 103rd session, the Fair will enhance the examination on all exhibitors in terms of environmental protection, taxation, intellectual property rights, product quality and company credit.


Add:117 liuhua Road, Guangzhou 510014, China

Tel: 0086-20-26089999

Fax: 0086-20-83335880

Email: info@cantonfair.org.cn

Web: www.cantonfair.org.cn www.cftc.org.cn

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