Character of molding cement tile:
1、 经过模压式成形,外形尺寸精确(长 424mm×宽337mm,9.1片/m2)
After molding ,the size is exactly(L 424mm×W 337mm,9.1PC/m2)
2、 强度高( 100 多吨的压力),成本低 =1 元 / 片(含人工,原材料,税收,折旧,损耗等),利润高(约 2-4/ 片,各地情况不同),原料简单(水泥,砂子)
High strength (can bear pressure more than 100tons),cost=1rmb/pc(include work salary,material ,tax,depreciation,damage etc.),high profit(about 2-4 per pc),material is easy to get.
3、 市场需求大(禁用粘土瓦,是我国目前“平改坡”工程中的最佳屋面材料)
Good demand of market(the clay tile is ban,this is the best choice)
4、 投资小,见效快,当年投资,当年收益,是您创业的理想选择
Invest little ,easy to get profit,you can get it in the same year ,so it is a good choice for you.