深圳汉高乐泰销售处,昆山乐泰,东莞乐泰,上海汉高乐泰销售。致电陈生 137、5113、6332.Q.Q/30/22/24/564/ 网.址。w.w.w.a.a.l.o.c.t.i.t.e.c.o.m.
美国乐泰胶水供应,乐泰3212 ,乐泰3321,乐泰3220,乐泰3128,乐泰3129,乐泰2035SC
乐泰3811,乐泰3820,乐泰3808,乐泰38003820 reworkable underfill is specially
designed for CSP, WLCSP and BGA applications. It is formulated to
cure quickly at moderate temperatures to minimize stress to other
components. This material's high glass transition temperature and high
fracture toughness enables excellent protection of solder joints during
thermal cycling.