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品牌: 国鼎GD
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-06-12 09:47
浏览次数: 772
高强轻质——独特GD)无机轻质芯材,保温层无机芯材干容重为250-320 kg/m³,承重层无机芯材干容重380-460 kg/m³,标准板自重有效的控制在0.55-0.68KN/m²,允许外加荷载≥1.5 KN/m²。
保温隔热——(GD)无机保温芯材的导热系数为0.065 W/mk,标准状况下,板底980℃高温烘烧,板背温度仅为13℃,有效满足实现夏日隔热、严冬保温的需求。特殊的钢框形状设计,有效解决了烟草、防止、造纸等高湿环境厂房结露的难题。
大型屋面板标准规格: 6000mm×3000mm、6000mm×1500mm,标准芯材板厚100mm;
网架板标准规格:4000mm×4000mm、 3000mm×3000mm,标准芯材板厚100mm;
Guoding (GD) Lightweight Steel Structure Roof Board
Steel Structure of Guoding (GD) Steel Structure Lightweight Roof Board is made by the cold-formed steel as the main ribs, longitudinal ribs and side ribs, internal steel wire fills (GD) inorganic lightweight concrete, new construction lightweight board which is compounded by the upper and lower and set load-bearing, heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation, fire resistance and durability and other good features into one, and thus adapted to the modern building houses facing demand of loading, thermal insulation, lightweight, waterproof, and others.
Product types: lightweight large-span roof board, net rack panels, gutter board, EAVES boards, panels, rain cover panels.
High-strength & Lightweight -- Unique GD inorganic lightweight core material, the dry bulk density of thermal insulation layer of inorganic core material is 250-320 kg/m³, the dry bulk density of load-bearing layer of inorganic core material is 380-460 kg/m³, the weight of standard plate is effective controlled between 0.55-0.68KN/m², allowing external load ≥1.5 KN/m².
Durablity & Wind Resistance -- importance factor of steel - concrete composite structure r. = 1.0, designed life is more than 50 years; welding technique during installing sets roof and the frame into one, effective against typhoons hit!
Thermal Insulation -- Thermal conductivity of GD inorganic thermal insulation glue sand is 0.065 W/mk, in the standard conditions, the bottom of board is baking and burning in the high temperature as 980 ℃, the temperature of the back is only 13 ℃, effectively meets the realization of needs of the summer heat and winter thermal insulation. The special shape of the steel frame design, effectively solves the problems of tobacco, prevention, paper-producing and problem of condensation in high humidity environment .
Waterproof & Anti-seismic - Waterproofing layer and the bottom of the load-bearing water-repellent layer of roof board constitute the upper and lower double-effect waterproof system; full-page is designed for the steel structure, construction welding and the main structure become one, suits for the industrial and residential buildings in the area that the earthquake intensity is ≤8 degree.
Fireproof & Anti-corrosion - GD inorganic core material, using high-quality raw materials, has good fireproof performance, fire resistance can be ≥1.5 hours; GD inorganic core material has an excellent ability of anti-corrosion of acid and alkali, in the steel part doing processing according to anti-corrosion needs, meets the national standard of anti-corrosion.
Soundproof & Storm-vent - Average noise of GD lightweight 120mm-thick core material is 43dp, 100mm(GD) lightweight steel structure composite borad weighs 62kg/m2, it can effectively against the impact of strong waves, and truly make soundprood and storm-vent come true.
Beautiful & Convenient - Multiple colors and decorative, so that create the more contemporary appearance; masks, pipes, fans and drainage can be designed according to the customer’s requirements and convenient for maintenance. Easy and quick to install and even save human resources and materials.
Scope of application:
Supporting with concrete, steel roof truss, truss, lightweight steel structure and other structures, such as industrial plants, large storage, supermarket, various venues, residential areas and transform or add the layer, and so on.
Product Specifications:
Large-scale Roof Board Standard Specification: 6000mm × 3000mm, 6000mm × 1500mm, the thickness of standard core material is 100mm;
Net Rack Panels Standard Specification: 4000mm × 4000mm, 3000mm × 3000mm, the thickness of standard core material is 100mm;
In alpine region and special requirements of thermal insulation, the thickness of the board can be designed according to the demand of thermal insulation and soundproof.
In the case of special span and load requirements, board can be designed specially and the maximum span is 9m.
According to engineering design requirements, can be made special-shaped boards, including the pan-water legislation plate, hole board, triangle board, multiangle board and so on.

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